Clare's Events Update during COVID-19
Clare's Events Update during COVID-19 August 25, 2020 Hey everyone – Just want to reach out and say all of us at Clare’s have really missed you this summer. Covid-19 struck us all and put the world to a stop.There wer e many difficult decisions to make with business and event operations, but we had to do it to ensure all of our customers remained safe and healthy. It was such a time of un-normal (if that’s a word) to get through but with time, Clare’s was allowed to re-open and serve their customers. However, there still are many rules in place to keep everyone safe. Hand sanitizing stations are set up at each of the entry ways, plexi had to be installed around each of the cash tills, customers and staff have to wear a protective face covering before entering the dealership, social distancing measures are put in place and lots of cleaning is going on. A real odd concept for me was that Clare’s had to cancel all their events. I have been coordinating ...